Rebranded! "WhiskerMidi's Old Shame" is now "Whisker's Archive"

Hey, folks! 

Lately, as I've been working on Meander Forth, I've been taking an effort to update some of my social media pages, especially my presence on 

Forgive me for dragging down the tone, but a theme I've noticed with all of my old stuff is a sense of self-deprecation, self-loathing, and, honestly, self-destruction.

This collection used to be called "WhiskerMidi's Old Shame," and at the time that was no lie. The collection came out at a very dark time in my life, and the resentment I held came across in just about everything I did. I was ashamed of my art, my games, everything. 

But... I'm not ashamed of any of that anymore. There's nothing in this compilation I'm ashamed of. There may have been some bad experiences, but they were all part of my journey as an artist. It's for that reason that I decided to spruce up this collection and change the branding on it to reflect that mindset change.

I also changed the images to focus more on the Westlouia demos and my more recent games than the old ones I made as a kid, since I figured more people would come looking for those on here.

Finally, I changed the way the game files are organized. You can still download the whole thing as one big collection, but the more recent games have standalone downloads and the "early" and "later" collections are also available from within their old files.  

It's a little change, but I hope it makes things a little more chipper!


Whisker's Archive (All Games) 178 MB
39 days ago
Later Games Only (Post-2013) 87 MB
39 days ago
Dimension Spark Demo (Standalone) 8.2 MB
39 days ago
Zachary Spark Demo (Standalone) 12 MB
39 days ago
Zach's Story Demo (Standalone) 7.5 MB
39 days ago
Zach's Adventure Demo (Standalone) 40 MB
39 days ago
Anjelo's Province (Standalone) 17 MB
39 days ago
Safe (Standalone) 2.1 MB
39 days ago
Folder Quest 280 kB
39 days ago
Earlier Games Only (Pre-2013, Old/Bad) 90 MB
39 days ago

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