Last Train To Pivot Delisted

Hey, folks!

Lately, I have been tidying up my gamedev pages. 

I decided to restrict the page for the Westlouia: Last Train to Pivot demo, since it felt redundant to have two different pages for two different demos of the same game. 

For those still interested in the Last Train to Pivot demo, it has been added to the files for Teak's Tall Tale as the bottom option.

If you still wish to view and comment on the Last Train to Pivot page, the link is still up here:

The password to view the page is "timber". It's not a hidden secret, or anything, it was just easiest to set up the password!

I hope to bring you more news on the project. Development has been going quite well, lately. 


Westlouia: Last Train To Pivot (Oldest Demo) 8.2 MB
41 days ago

Get Meander Forth: Teak's Tall Tale++

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