Things Are Going A'ight!

Hey, all! 

Sorry I haven't been keeping you posted on this project. Things have been crazy, as of late, and I've kinda withdrawn from social media outside of Discord and Patreon. 

If you're unaware, development on Meander Forth has been a mess-and-a-half. While I was remaking the game from scratch in Game Maker Studio 2, Yoyogames was bought out by Opera, who made changes to the platform that I was not fond of. Because of this, I moved the project to Godot, where I've been developing it off-and-on.

I have nowhere near the familiarity with Godot that I do with Game Maker Studio, but I've been learning as I go. During the transition, I've been experimenting with art-style, gameplay, etc. to figure out how best to work on the new version of the project. 

Despite the experimentation, I'm keeping the port faithful for the most part. The biggest apparent change to the game is the new graphics, which have been scaled down a bit to make them quicker to draw.

(Note: The background is a placeholder.)

The gameplay feels a little different, since it's made from the ground-up in a new engine, but it's still the same game at heart.

Despite my year of relative silence on Itch, I've been posting updates on Patreon pretty regularly, every week in fact!  Usually, I talk about my progress in  Meander Forth and art in general. Nearly every update is visible to the public, too. You don't need to, uh, Patreon-ize me to view new content.

To keep my Itch followers out of the dark, though, I'm going to be making a conscious effort to link to my Patreon updates from the page, as well as post original dev-log entries over here every now-and-again.

Hopefully, I'll be seeing you next week.

Get Meander Forth: Teak's Tall Tale++

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