I have a Patreon!

Heyo, it's Zach!
I've decided to open up a Patreon in case anyone wants to donate to this game.

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how to write this update. I've always been somewhat cynical when it comes to money in general, so I'm walking on eggshells trying to ask for donations without seeming like some kind of d i r t y  e - b e g g e r .

Regardless, things have been rough as of late. It's 2020, after all. Previously, I've developed Meander Forth as more of a hobby project than anything, making it by myself out-of-pocket in my spare time. I've been running low on both time and pocket, though. Prices of bills and food have been rising, my job has been more physically demanding due to all the cleanup and bustle. Again, I'm not trying to win pity points here. I know my situation is far from unique. Those are just the facts of life right now, haha.

My hope is that I can eventually attain enough revenue from Patreon... Patrons that I can work on the game full-time. I'm not counting on that, though, as I don't have much of a following yet. As it stands, I just wanna have a bit of extra income as well as a reason to kick myself into gear. I work better when I have a tangible responsibility to uphold. 

Anyway, I'm gonna try to update the Patreon page regularly- at least once a week. Some posts will be exclusive to Patrons, but I won't be doing that until I have... more than just one.

Thanks for reading! I assure you there's more to come!

Here's the Link: https://www.patreon.com/zachwiebe


Teak's Tall Tale Plus (Vsync Issues On Windows 10+) 33 MB
Sep 14, 2020

Get Meander Forth: Teak's Tall Tale++

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